Thousands Of Missouri Families Helped

Parental Relocation Law and Appeals

Get Help From Our St. Louis County Family Lawyer

After the finalization of a divorce, it’s not uncommon for the path of a person’s life to take them to a new city, state, or even out of the country. When this is the case, a child may need to make a relocation move in order to stay with their parent. This can be contentious, as the other parent may not want to lose out on their visitation and custody rights to their child.

When this occurs, a skilled St. Louis County family law attorney can help you with the modification of your custody agreement, as well as with any appeals you may wish to pursue. Coulter Goldberger, LLC has helped thousands of families throughout our many combined years of practice and handle each case with a unique approach customized to put the best interests of your family first, no matter how complex the circumstances.

Call Coulter Goldberger, LLC at 314-675-1065 today to secure the legal representation you need to protect the needs of your family during this uncertain time.

The Relocation Process In Missouri

The state of Missouri requires the non-custodial parent to approve literally any relocation by the custodial parent, even if the move is to the house next door. In order to successfully do this, there is a very specific process that must be followed.

  • As a parent with custody, you must follow these steps in order to relocate:
  • Give formal notice. A notice must be written, sent by certified mail, and explain where you are going, why, and how it will affect your children. It must also include a plan for reopening your custody agreement for modification if the move is over long distance and will make visitation on current terms difficult.
  • Plead your case in relocation hearings. Missouri law places the responsibility on the relocating parent to demonstrate how the move will benefit the children, and is not in any way an attempt to disrupt the relationship between the other parent and the children. This means also demonstrating new terms for allowing the other parent to continue visitation.
  • Modify custody terms as necessary. Nearly any relocation will require a modification to the custody and visitation agreement in some way. If both parents share equal custody of the children, you will likely have to make significant modifications to the custody agreement.

No matter what challenges your relocation matter presents, the skilled team at Coulter Goldberger, LLC is ready to hear your story. Our highly-experienced staff know how to approach sensitive issues with all parties involved, and can work through the often-contentious litigation process on your behalf while ensuring that your rights and interests are properly put forth before the law.

Contact the elite team at Coulter Goldberger, LLC to request a free initial one-hour consultation to start receiving the legal advice you need.